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Dr. Harvey’s Canine Health – Is it Worth the Cost?

Dr. Harvey’s Canine Health Pre-Mix Dog Food is one of the most popular and highly rated dehydrated dog foods on the market.

Is it worth the cost?

Dr. Harvey’s calls it, “The Miracle Dog Food Pre-Mix.”

I believe it’s the top dehydrated dog food available.

And judging by the hundreds of customer testimonials, that “miracle” claim might not too be far off.

And there are countless positive reviews from dog owners who have seen great improvements in the health of their pets after switching over to Dr. Harvey’s.

This includes owners who have:

  • Dogs with various allergies
  • Dogs with sensitive stomachs
  • Dogs refusing to eat
  • Dogs with kidney problems
  • Dogs with chronic diarrhea
  • Dogs requiring a low protein diet
  • Dogs with bladder control issues

So why doesn’t everyone feed their dog Dr. Harvey’s Canine Health?

Based on my experience, there are 2 main reasons:

  1. It’s more expensive than most dog foods. That’s because in addition to the dry mix, you also need to add a protein source (beef, fish, poultry, etc.) and some type of healthy oil such as flax oil or olive oil. Depending on the size of your dog – or if you have more than one dog – these costs add up each month.
  2. It requires a bit of prep. It’s not difficult to prepare the mix, but it’s not as easy as pouring regular dry dog food or spooning wet food into a bowl.

But as I found out, these didn’t matter in comparison to the turnaround Dr. Harvey’s gave to my dog.

My Experience with Dr. Harvey’s – A Life Changer for my Dog Keats

Keats loved Dr. Harvey’s Canine Health

When one of my springer spaniels named Keats was in his early teens, he suddenly lost interest in eating. At the time, I was feeding him Taste Of The Wild Pacific Stream Grain-Free Dog Food. He had been eating it for several years and always ate without issue.

I’m not sure whether he grew tired of eating the same thing day after day or something else was going on, but the only way he would eat is if you sat next to him at his food bowl and urged him on. And then it might take him several minutes to finish.

I started researching all the dog food options online. I was looking for a food with high ratings and the best quality ingredients. I also looked for reviews from customers who had faced a similar problem.

To start…

In the end, Dr. Harvey’s seemed to have everything I was looking for in a new dog food.

The ingredients in this mix were very different than anything I had come across before. It looked like a super-burst of healthy grains, veggies, herbs and vitamins.

The first stumbling block I faced was that it wasn’t available at any of my local pet stores. But I could order it online and have it shipped to my door free. Secondly, if I set up a subscription I could save a few more dollars. That’s one of my favorite ways to save money on dog food.

I gradually changed food for both of my dogs, and after about 10 days it was full-on Dr. Harvey’s.

Keats went from being a listless eater to a dog who could barely wait for his food. Every time I brought out the mix and started adding protein, he would bark with great enthusiasm, wagging his tail as if it were the wings of a hummingbird.

Whereas before we had to hope he would eat, now it was just a question of how fast. Fortunately, the consistency of the mix helped keep Keats from just wolfing it down in two bites. He would eat with gusto but not so fast that he would risk bloat or other digestive problems.

I’m sure part of the appeal was getting fresh, human-grade proteins including salmon, turkey, beef and lentils, but the mix was having other positive effects beyond restoring a lost appetite.

Super-Soft Hair

One very noticeable result from changing to Dr. Harvey’s was how soft the hair on both of my dogs became.

They always had nice and thick hair, but now it was extra-soft and delightful to touch and pet. Pure luxury!

When my vet made her first house call after I had switched foods, she also commented how soft the dogs’ hair was. This was before I told about her the new food I was giving them and how Keats was now eating like a young dog again.

More Energy

Along with the super-soft hair, I noticed an improvement in Keats’ energy levels, too. He always loved retrieving balls, and his spunk seemed to return in spades after a little time eating Dr. Harvey’s.

Bottom line: he was eating better than he ever had before – and it showed.

How to Prepare Dr. Harvey’s Canine Health

This video gives all the details about how to make the pre-mix and what to add to ensure a balanced, healthy meal for your dog. After making it a few times, you’ll be confidently whipping up batch after batch for a happier and healthier dog.

What Feeding Dr. Harvey’s to My Dogs Taught Me

After a few months of preparing and giving Dr. Harvey’s Canine Health, it struck me that dogs probably get tired of eating the same thing every day. Imagine, if you had to eat the same food morning and evening – and nothing else – for one week, one month or one year!

I’ll bet you’d never want to look at that food again, let alone eat it. And what if your dog doesn’t like his or her food to begin with? Then you’re fighting an uphill battle you can’t win.

That’s why whether you feed Dr. Harvey’s or some other food to your dog, some variety is likely going to keep your dog happier and coming back to the bowl when it’s time eat.

It felt good to give my dogs food they really enjoyed, as well as giving them healthy foods that I had direct control over. Just as I would prepare dinner for my wife and me, I would open a can of salmon, cook some turkey or beef or boil some lentils and eggs to add to the pre-mix.

It took some time away from other things I might be doing, but I loved seeing the joy in the expressions and reactions of my dogs before mealtimes.

And while both of my dogs loved eating the pre-mix with protein, it was seeing Keats return to his former self that made me a convert of Dr. Harvey’s.


I’m also convinced that feeding Dr. Harvey’s helped give Keats a very long life, as he was almost 16 when we had to say our very sad goodbyes. And if you’ve had springer spaniels – or any breed – that’s a long life.

Conclusion – Dr. Harvey’s Canine Health Is Worth the Cost

Here are 8 reasons why Dr. Harvey’s Canine Health Pre-Mix Dog Food is worth the cost and the effort to prepare it.

  1. Dr. Harvey’s makes Canine Health in the USA
  2. All natural formula is free from artificial colors/dyes, preservatives and other junk you don’t need in a dog food
  3. All 6 grains contained in the mix are organic
  4. You can tailor it specifically to meet your dog’s protein requirements
  5. Rotating proteins keeps mealtime fresh and interesting for your dog
  6. Fantastic for finicky eaters! You won’t waste money on food they won’t eat
  7. Easy to make ahead and store in the fridge until ready to serve
  8. It has a strong history of helping many, many dogs (including my beloved Keats) regain their health and vitality

My Highest Recommended

If you’re considering changing dog foods because your pooch has allergies, renal problems, a sensitive stomach or just won’t eat, I strongly recommend giving Dr. Harvey’s a try.

Or if you’re just looking for a top-quality dehydrated dog food that you can feed your pet regularly, it’s a great choice.

You can start with a smaller bag – although it’s more expensive by weight that way – to see how your dog reacts. I’m guessing it will be for the better.

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